A incredible book of cloth!

Product photography takes many forms and this one was different, fascinating and an absolute joy. It also had me being purchased as an Anniversary present!

Elena Sparke is currently in the middle of her MA Textiles Degree at Farnham’s University of Creative Arts. But Covid-19 changed so much and the students were set challenges and projects to work on at home in lockdown. Ultimately their pieces were to be submitted for selection to be included in the UCA’s exhibition “Out of Isolation".

Elena is extroadinary. Originally from Russia with a rich portfolio of travel under her skin, she has lived in the UK for around 25 years, raising her family and living life. But, Elena exudes an aura of the ‘other’ so on first meeting she seems quiet, almost shy; but soon you realise she is a force of nature trying to control her passion.

Elena’s husband had bought my time so Elena could get some photogrpahy coaching from me, specifically around her wonderful piece for the UCA exhibition; should they accept it for display. Her passion and absorbtion into the textiles, the dyeing, the creative process is poured into everything she does and I was gripped by the samples she brought to the studio. Her fabrics are beautiful and I fully hope that I shall be able to benefit from her skills with some equisite photogrpahy backdrops.

Her peice for the exhibition though was for me fantastic and I can report that it has been selected! “84 individually eco-printed, hand-bound pages full of fire, fear, creative passion and resilience at core amidst enveloping darkness” I can quote from Elena’s Instagram post (@curator_of_chance)

It was a total pleasure to see and feel this incredible book and to work with Elena, making the photos which have been helpful with her submission


TV Presenter Headshots


It’s all for the Bronze!