Do you have a taste for wool?

When shooting product you never know what is next.

There is a ton of variety when photographing people but product requests can be literally anything. So from one recent shoot involving CBD Oils and Gummies I found myself photographing wool.

Wool Decanted, like MoodCBD, is a start up emerging into the market during these turbulent Covid times and was conceived as a direct result of the Covid impact on the wool inductry. Linda and Lisa read a news article, which I recall myself, back in the ealry part of 2020 which reported that fleeces were being burnt because farmers had lost their buyers. Sheep have to be sheared, you can’t leave them be so the wool kept coming and piling up with nowhere to go.

Already keen on knitting Linda and Lisa sprang into action and incredibley quickly started Wool Decanted. Wanting to help they developed the business by buying fleeces and tranforming them into their own high quality yarn. By doing so they have added another British company to the market, which immediately gains them sustainability credentials as they’re not importing wool from say New Zealand.

Wanting to brand themselves a little differently they have coined phraseology from the wine industry and liken the descriptions of their wool to vintage with tasting notes! The weather in any given year/season does impact the quality of the wool; presumably happy sheep, happy wool!

My specific brief was to shoot the skeins on a white background akin to product shots. A skein is a twist of wool and is quite tactile. This was something Linda and Lisa needed help with so as to provide a cleaner, clear image for the eCommerce website.

There are eight colours in two weights, one 4ply and the other DK (double thickness). Having shot all the singles I added some groups and some varieties.

Of course I went of piste a little…

So if it’s wool you’re after jump over to Wool Decanted and it it’s product shots, get in touch!


Are you in the Mood for CBD?